It’s almost one year that we learned about the Nigerian way of planting a tree of life for a child that is to be born so that the tree will grow through the years as the child does. At that time friends of ours, Isabelle and Baptiste, had two different sets friends about to give birth so together with we planted a tree for the two children, Maya and Aya in the Escape3points gardens. May the children grow strong and one day even have a chance to see Their Tree of Life!
We have just been informed that we have another chance to plant another Tree of Life for Isabelle and Baptiste as they are expecting! A second symbol of human life will soon grow at Cape Three Points!
Il y a bientôt un an, un arbre a été planté dans le jardin d’Escape3points par Isabelle et Baptiste pour les naissances de Maya et Aya. L’arbre se porte bien et résiste aux intempéries. J’espère que ce geste portera chance à ces deux petites filles.
A notre tour de planter un arbre pour porter chance au futur bébé d’Isabelle et Baptiste. Merci de nous avoir enseigné cette tradition venue du Niger il me semble. Et deux trois à Cape Three Points !
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